"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."
What I want to do for you
By examining closely every small detail of your business and online process, I work alongside you and your team to show you simple solutions to improve and grow sales and profits. Focussing on efficiency, effectiveness, and processes, together we will examine and optimise every part of the customer experience and journey so that you can learn how to build a more profitable and sustainable e-commerce business. This will enable you to:

Add more prospects
Increase conversion rates
Reduce acquisition costs
Grow customer spend
Improve customer loyalty
Lower your costs
Develop customer lifetime value
“The magic behind every outstanding performance is always found in the smallest of details ”
How we can make the change
There are many ways to increase profits and grow your business. I look into every detail of your online activity and help you build sales cost-effectively by optimising all your e-commerce and digital activity. Every company is unique so I conduct an in-depth business and marketing audit before sharing with you the key skills and tools to enable you to increase your customer base and profits. Below are some of the services I offer.
Business Audit
Analysis of existing marketing activity and business processes to identify quick and opportunities to implement for improvement.
Customer Acquisition Strategy
Working with you to define your product/service, understand prospective customers, and where to market to/how to reach them cost-effectively.
Social Media Strategy
Recommendations on Social Media options, posting activities and advertising opportunities.
Platform Selection Consultancy
Identify appropriate web platforms and vet potential suppliers against strategy and company needs.
Marketing Strategy
Identify functional and business requirements before commencing activity.
Ecommerce/Digital Projects
UX audit
Detailed Audit focused on end to end customer experience.
Email Marketing Planning
Audit existing email and database marketing activity. Recommend opportunities to automate and optimize communications.
Process Evaluation/Optimisation
Audit and improvement recommendations for full order fulfilment from start to finish, e.g. stock availability systems, payment and checkout effectiveness, delivery and service options, feedback mechanisms, etc.
Here's a great selection of online tools I can help you
use to take your business to a different level. <more>
“Having have built a successful e-commerce company from start-up to exit over a decade later, I now use this experience to help you grow your own business turnover and profit ”

Colin Stickland
I solve problems
Effective Marketing and Sales. If you can solve these two problems then you are well on the way to building a profitable, sustainable business.
From graduating with a Business Degree (Marketing Specialism) in 1991, I’ve been fortunate to have developed and grown businesses for companies from leading global FMCG companies to startups, including my own.
Times and the tools, skills and processes we all use have changed. However, the concept of putting your customer and meeting their needs at the heart of your business is still the most important thing you can do as a business. Now, more than ever.
What has made the biggest difference in marketing and sales effectiveness is technology. Our ability to find, and communicate cost-effectively with customers is easier and cheaper than ever before, and the systems needed to ensure customer satisfaction with every transaction are at our fingertips.
Making now a better time to grow your business than at any time in history.
In the last 15 years, I have mainly worked in Digital Marketing and E-commerce, covering all disciplines. In 2005 I chose to move away from the traditional corporate world and take advantage of the opportunities the internet created by establishing my own e-commerce led business. In creating a brand, establishing it’s online presence (alongside traditional channels), creating customer funnels, establishing robust supply processes and developing lifetime customer value, I have shared the problems you face today.
As often happens, our continued expansion led to an approach from a larger competitor seeking to increase their own online presence, and this led to a successful trade sale exit. Since then I have enjoyed working on a consulting/interim basis helping others grow their own sales and profits.
Top skills
• Customer and Market identification
• Business Analysis
• Branding Strategy
• Website Structure and Design
• Email Marketing
• Customer UX Audit
• Search Engine Optimisation
• Pay Per Click
• Process Automation
• Social Media & Facebook Marketing
• Supplier Management
• Outsourcing
• Cost Management
• Stock management
Colin helped us increase the efficiency of our website and double our online sales in the period he worked with us. His extensive knowledge of all areas of online marketing and ecommerce, learnt from running his own ecommerce business, meant that not only was he able to help us improve our website conversion, but also our email marketing activity too.
Colin identified barriers to conversion on our website, and optimized the web content and structure as well our commercial offer. This enabled us to improve natural SEO alongside optimising the cost effectiveness of our PPC advertising. Latterly Colin helped us start Facebook advertising and find an integrated agency to manage our PPC and also Facebook advertising in the longer term.
Glenn Hawes, Managing Director
“When you pay attention to detail, the big picture will take care of itself ”
Useful resources
There are many online tools to help elevate your business. Though my experience I have discovered some really useful ones that I would like to share with you. I've written some interesting articles on building businesses so grab a cuppa and have a read through.
Here's a great selection of online tools you use to take your business to a different level. <more>
Take a look at some great ideas to elevate your business to a new level. <more>
It's all in the small detail
Let's get started
To find out how we can work together to grow your business. Get in touch now to set up a consultation. Fill out the form below or give us a call.

Call: 01234 240 540
Email: Colin@detailsquared.co.uk
Olney House,
High Street,
Olney MK46 4EB